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In the following some of the main projects and cases that in the years had been attended are listed.
The responsibility and involvement had been different case by case and varied from project management, to participation to a working team, to the assistance to other surveyors, to the full management.
Each case improved the experience and the technical background and the support given by all the professionals and colleagues which trusted our services has been invaluable

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No. Type Event Activity  
464 Chemical Tanker Financing Consultancy Valuation
462 Yachts Insurance Cover Renewal Survey Warranty survey
461 Product Tanker Allision against berth Survey Survey of repairs
460 Yacht Builder's risk renewal Survey Risk Assessment Survey
459 Cruise vessel Damage to Diesel Generators Consultancy Insurance Claim Analysis
458 Naval Mechanical Damage Survey Damage Survey
457 Yacht Hull Damage Survey Damage Survey
427 RoRo Causa fra Compratore e Registro di Classifica Consulenza Consulenza Tecnica di Parte
402 Bulk carrier Grounding Consultancy Salvage consultancy
399 Naval Collision Consultancy Insurance Claim Analysis
398 Chemical Tanker Main Engine Damage Consultancy Insurance Claim Analysis
397 LNG Carrier Main engine damage Consultancy Claim management
396 Bulk Carrier Diesel Generators Damage Survey H&M Survey
394 General Cargo Recycling Consultancy Preparation of Specifications
393 Bulk Carrier Collision Survey Damage Survey
390 Ro-Ro Passenger Ferry Allision Survey Damage Survey
389 Others Insurance Warranty Survey Risk Assessment Survey
388 Others Litigation Consultancy Consultancy to Court Expert
387 General Cargo Collision Survey Damage Survey
386 Others Insurance Cover Warranty Consultancy Technical Management Assessment
385 General Cargo Loss of Propulsion and Towage Consultancy Insurance Claim Analysis
384 Bulkcarrier End of Guarantee Survey Condition Survey
383 Bulkcarrier Contact with seabed Consultancy Insurance Claim Analysis
382 Yacht Causa per danni Consulenza CTU
381 Bulkcarrier Grounding Consultancy Claim analysis
380 Bulkcarrier Diesel Generator Damage Survey Repair Survey
378 Navy Intellectual Property Consultancy Technical Arbitration
377 Bulkcarrier Grounding Consultancy Technical Arbitration
376 Chemical Tanker Main Engine Damage Survey Damage Survey
375 Yacht Collision Survey Damage Survey
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Via Giordano Bruno 30
16146 Genova - Italy
Tel.:+ 39 010.856.60.24
Mob.:+ 39 335.54.92.196
Fax:+ 39 010.420.66.985