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La certificazione di livello CERT'ing comprova la competenza professionale in un comparto per mezzo dell’esperienza acquisita svolgendo attività professionali che hanno comportato l’assunzione di responsabilità personali, sia pure in collaborazione con altri professionisti, e della formazione successiva all’iscrizione all’Albo, anche in conformità all’obbligo di aggiornamento della competenza professionale

Engineering Council

The Engineering Council is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. We hold the national registers of 235,000 Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Information and Communications Technology Technicians (ICTTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng) and Chartered Engineers (CEng). In addition, the Engineering Council sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of professional competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. This ensures that employers, government and wider society - both in the UK and overseas - can have confidence in the knowledge, experience and commitment of registrants.

The Federation of European Maritime Association of Surveyors and Consultants

An European Federation of various national societies of marine surveyors and consulting engineers

Associazione Ingegneri Periti Avarie Marittime

AIPAM was established in 1995 as an organisation for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers engaged in the profession of surveyors and technical consultants in the marine casualty field. The Association has been officially recognised by the Italian Government. AIPAM is an active member of FEMAS, the Federation of European Maritime Associations of Surveyors and Consultants, a body which was formed to raise and maintain the standards of marine surveyors throughout Europe.

International Institute of Marine Surveying

The International Institute of Marine Surveying is an independent, non-political organisation. Membership is open to Qualified Mariners, Cargo Surveyors, Yacht and Small Craft Surveyors, and Marine Consultants from around the world. Individuals, with specialised knowledge, experience or skills able to contribute and enhance the aims and objectives of the Institute are also invited to join.

Royal Institution of Naval Architects

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects is an internationally renowned professional institution whose members are involved at all levels in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures. Members of the RINA are widely represented in industry, universities and colleges, and maritime organisations in over 90 countries.


TStudio.TV Nasce nel 2014 per occuparsi della fotografia e del mondo delle arti visive (pubblicità, web series, ritratti, etc.) costituendo un vero e proprio polo produttivo nel cuore della città vecchia di Genova. L'attività fotografica con servizi di cerimonie e ritratti, resta l'epicentro da cui si espandono le altre iniziative. Il propone una vasta gamma di produzioni che possono andare dalla cura di un'inaugurazione di un locale, alla mostra artistica, ai video aziendali ed istituzionali.

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