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Contact and Enquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in our services.
To properly evaluate the service requested, we ask you to kindly fill in the following data sheet.
Although not all the fields are strictly necessary to be filled, more information we will obtain and more accurate will be our offer and more efficient our activity.

The provision of service is subject to contract and upon receipt of your enquiry we will send our "Requirements Confirmation" to verify that we have clearly understood your needs.

Grazie per l'interesse dimostrato nei nostri confronti.
Per valutare adeguatamente l'attività richiesta, vi preghiamo di compilare le seguente scheda.
Benché non sia strettamente necessario compilare tutti i campi, più informazioni vorrete fornirci e più precisa sarà la nostra offerta ed efficiente l'intervento.

La prestazione dei servizi sarà regolata da contratto ed a seguito del ricevimento della vostra richiesta vi invieremo le nostre "Requirements Confirmation" per verificare di aver correttamente compreso le vostre necessità.

The Service

The Asset

The Survey

Special Instructions and Information
Commercial operations in progress
Salvage operations in progress
Work/Repairs in progress
Access permit necessary
Assistance on situ available
Adjustment required
Activity to be without prejudice
Digital photos not accepted
Others (Specify below)
Third parties involved. Details
Solicitor appointed. Contact details
Recovery to be pursued. Details

The Report

Additional Information Request

Do you need additional information about us? We will be pleased to send

Reference List (Confidential) Resumee - Curriculum Vitae
Professional Affiliations Details    

General Informations and Quality Feedback

Details of the Enquirer

(E.g. owner, purchaser, charterer, etc.)

Upon completion of the services, would you accept to reply to a customer satisfaction survery? yes if tick

Privacy Information

Security code

Antispam Text

Print and Send Form

Via Giordano Bruno 30
16146 Genova - Italy
Tel.:+ 39 010.856.60.24
Mob.:+ 39 335.54.92.196
Fax:+ 39 010.420.66.985